I’m going to be at Life, The Universe, and Everything this month! The symposium goes from Thursday, February 16 to Saturday, February 18, and it is one of the few conventions where it is worth attending the panels. I’ve been going nearly my whole life, and LTUE has a special place in my heart. It was here that I found out about the anthology that I am now published in. And I have made lifelong friends here, and learned more about writing than I could at school.
The following is my panel schedule:
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Legends Folktales at 6pm on Thursday (I will be moderating.)
Designing and Making Costumes and Masks at 9am on Saturday
Back to Our Gaming Roots: Ancient Boardgames at 10am on Saturday
Top 10 Board Games for Writers at 1pm on Saturday
Top 10 Role Playing Games for Writers at 6pm on Saturday (I will be moderating.)
Unfortunately, we will not have a table in the dealer’s room this year. (By we, I mean Carlisle Legacy Books.) I am considering an artist table in the hall, but we’ll see.
I will for sure be at the symposium all day Thursday and Saturday. I’m not yet sure if I will be there on Friday.
For information about attending, visit ltue.net. Teachers and students get an awesome discount on attendance, and you can attend one day, or the whole weekend. You can also find the address, directions, parking information, as well as the rest of the schedule for the full weekend. I am far from the coolest person who will be there. I mean, I’m on panels with Dan Wells! And Phil Foglio is one of the guests! Both amazing writers, Dan is a super fun gamer (we played Betrayal at House on the Hill at a previous convention), and Phil Foglio is a favorite artist of mine.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Provo in two weeks!
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